

Insertion Sort

Python code

def InsertionSort(A):
for i in range(1,len(A)):
	current = A[i]
	j = i-1
	while j >= 0 and A[j] > current:
		A[j+1] = A[j]
		j -= 1
	A[j+1] = current


  1. start from left to right
  1. move current element left until there’s something smaller to the left, or it’s at the beginning
  1. keep on doing this

Does it work?

Yes. Proof by induction. Inherently, we build up the sorted list from left to right. We can show by induction that in every step, we contribute to making a larger sorted list until at the end, we end up with only the sorted list.

Inductive hypothesis: After iteration kk, the array’s first k+1k + 1 elements are sorted.

Base case: we start with the leftmost element at iteration zero. One element is always sorted. Inductive case: we start with the first k+1k + 1 sorted at iteration kk. We consider the k+2k+2 element. The Insertion sort algorithm will put this element into the appropriate position within the original first k+1k + 1 sorted, leading to a list of k+2k + 2 elements that are sorted after k+1k + 1 iterations, which completes our induction.

As such, after n1n - 1 iterations, the whole list will be sorted.

How fast is it?

Well, in the worst case, every step would require moving the current element to the first element of the array, which is on the order of nn steps. We do this for every element of the array, leading to O(n2)O(n^2) complexity.

Merge Sort


	n = len(A)
	if n <= 1:
		return A
	L = MergeSort( A[:n/2] )
	R = MergeSort( A[n/2:] )
	return Merge(L, R)


  1. chop lists into half
  1. recursively sort these halves
  1. merge them

Does it work?

Yes! Let’s prove this inductively.

Inductive hypothesis (strong induction): when returning an array smaller than kk, this array is sorted.

Base case: one element is always sorted

Inductive case: suppose we get an array of size k+1k + 1. We split it up and ask merge sort to sort (k+1)/2(k + 1) / 2 arrays, and by our strong inductive hypothesis, these are sorted. The merge operation will then ensure that these two sorted arrays will produce one large sorted array. And as such, we complete our induction.

How fast is it?

Well, when dealing with a recursive algorithm (more on this later), we focus on the recursive step, and the the processing step. So, the time taken is equivalent to the time sorting two lists of n/2 size, along with the final merging.

However, we understand that the recursive sorting involves more merging. So why don’t we just expand this tree out and focus on the merging?

On every level of recursion, there are nn elements to be merged. There are log2(n)\log_2(n) levels, which means that the total amount of time is nlog2(n)n \log_2(n). This accounts for a complexity of O(nlogn)O(n\log n)